Is there no end to the Cynicism?

There is an old say that goes: "don't throw stones at other people's houses, when your house is made of glass". An explanation for the meaning of this phrase was provided today courtesy of Iranian Ambassador to the UN, Jawad Zarif.
Ambassador Zarif filed a protest to the Secretary General today, calling for the UN to restrain the US threats for use of a military action against Iran. Just to be clear, the US has made no such threats; however the president, while prefering a diplomatic solution to the situation, refused to rule out the option.
Apperantly in all the comotion, the Iranian ambassador has conveniently forgot about his country's president's threat to wipe off the State of Israel completely from the face of the earth. Which brings me back to the title of this post: Is there no end to the cynicism?
Middle East, Iran, UN, US, WMD, Secretary General.
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