Israel: Suicide Bomber Kills 9... and Peace

Israeli poet Yehuda Amihai once said: "Extremists are the most unselfish poeple in the world. If you ask them why they do what they do, they will say it is all about you: about freeing you, redeeming you, not about them at all". I wonder if this thought is what passed through the head of Salim Muhammad Khamad, the 21 year old terrorist who blew himself up Moday afternoon (Israel time), killing 9 people and injuring 40. If anything, all he has done is hurt his own people and particularly those he wants to hurt the least, his family.
Already Khamad's family is preparing for the demolition of their house. In addition voices are heard through Israel asking why wasn't Israel sealed completely for the Passover holiday, making many Palestinians ready to raise their hands in despair as Israel will surely close its gates to Palestinians seeking work in Israel. If anything, all Khamad did in addition to ruining the lives of 9 innocent people, was hurt his people's chances to have a break, to seat with Israel and talk. He plays right into the hands of Israel's far right extremists.
And Khamad is not alone, he is getting help from Hamas. In a not unpredictable statement for a terrorist organization, Hamas-led government issued a statement legitimizing the attack - a move that is surely not going to help it rescue itself from the isolation it has got itself into; while Mahmoud Abbas tries to calm things down and keep a clear channel with Israel by condemning the attack. One must wonder if by doing so Hamas is also ignoring the suffering of its own people for their 'greater' cause. And so I am only left with repeating the title that opens this post: "Suicide Bomber Kills 9... and Peace"
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