Through the Eyes of a Blind Man: James Loney and Iraq
Less than two weeks after Mr. Abdul Rahman provided the case for why the west should be in Afghanistan; Mr. James Loney,a Canadian activist with the anti-war Christian Peacemaker Teams who was recently freed by Coalition forces from Captivity, provides the case as to why be in Iraq. It is however, unortunate that he is the only one that does not see it.
Upon his return to Canada, Mr. Loney released a statement about his personal life that would not cause riots in Canada; but would certainly in Iraq. Mr. Loney anounced the fact he was gay and added that he did not want to do so in Iraq for fear for his safety. Mr. Loney certainly knew what he was talking about. Had it been known that he was gay while in captivity, he would probably have been executed in a manner similar to that of his fellow American CPT member, Tom Fox.
Fortunatly for Mr. Loney, he had a government that could press its allies to spring him loose. Canada put pressure on the US and Britain and Mr. Loney was released by the soldiers he so hates. But what about gay people in the Middle East? Do they have a government that would do the same for them? Probably not. It is most likely that in their case they will have to be rescued from their own government. But did Mr. Loney, as a person who should understand this more than anyone, think about that? No, he did not; he is too busy hating America.
I know what you are all thinking at this moment. Western governments are not in a position to be speaking of LGBTQ rights; but here you will get both an agreement and a rebuttle from me. I agree that Western treatment of the gay community leaves much to be desired, particularly in the area of same sex marriage; but it is a far cry from being executed. The LGBTQ community in the west can raise its head and shout about what they feel should be corrected without fear of their own government. In the Middle East they cannot for they will probably be beheaded. As recently noted by Lybian strong man Muhamar Gadhafi in a remarkebly candid statement made in a video conference in Columbia University a week ago, in the Middle East they have a different more violent way of expressing opposition (one that he himself did not hesitate to practice but a month ago).
And so before I head back to my usual business, I would like to leave you with the same point I want to empasize again and again about the West in the Middle East. When thinking about your objection to it, and considering Mr. Loney's and Mr. Rahman's examples, think why it is that you think about it the way you do. Is it because you are clinging to your principles or because you hate American Hegemony so much? After all when it comes to war, there is such a thing as necessary evil.
Upon his return to Canada, Mr. Loney released a statement about his personal life that would not cause riots in Canada; but would certainly in Iraq. Mr. Loney anounced the fact he was gay and added that he did not want to do so in Iraq for fear for his safety. Mr. Loney certainly knew what he was talking about. Had it been known that he was gay while in captivity, he would probably have been executed in a manner similar to that of his fellow American CPT member, Tom Fox.
Fortunatly for Mr. Loney, he had a government that could press its allies to spring him loose. Canada put pressure on the US and Britain and Mr. Loney was released by the soldiers he so hates. But what about gay people in the Middle East? Do they have a government that would do the same for them? Probably not. It is most likely that in their case they will have to be rescued from their own government. But did Mr. Loney, as a person who should understand this more than anyone, think about that? No, he did not; he is too busy hating America.
I know what you are all thinking at this moment. Western governments are not in a position to be speaking of LGBTQ rights; but here you will get both an agreement and a rebuttle from me. I agree that Western treatment of the gay community leaves much to be desired, particularly in the area of same sex marriage; but it is a far cry from being executed. The LGBTQ community in the west can raise its head and shout about what they feel should be corrected without fear of their own government. In the Middle East they cannot for they will probably be beheaded. As recently noted by Lybian strong man Muhamar Gadhafi in a remarkebly candid statement made in a video conference in Columbia University a week ago, in the Middle East they have a different more violent way of expressing opposition (one that he himself did not hesitate to practice but a month ago).
And so before I head back to my usual business, I would like to leave you with the same point I want to empasize again and again about the West in the Middle East. When thinking about your objection to it, and considering Mr. Loney's and Mr. Rahman's examples, think why it is that you think about it the way you do. Is it because you are clinging to your principles or because you hate American Hegemony so much? After all when it comes to war, there is such a thing as necessary evil.